Re: GTS 2003 Glorantha

From: Mike Demetro <president_at_...>
Date: Fri, 28 Mar 2003 15:52:44 -0500

>Thanks for the good words.

They were earned Greg. =)

>We will continue to put out 72 page books, and when we have to reprint
them, will probably do a larger collection. But >for now, 72 it is.

As a publisher I have a pretty good idea of why you have made all the moves you have over time.

As a gamer it is =(

>Please do contact us for your possible contributions. Mark Galeotti is the
guy to contact first.

Will do.

Were you on the comp list for Scared Stiff print copies? Do you want one?

The mailing goes out soon and the book looks good. My future stuff will be better yet.

Let me know.

Mike Demetro, Owner, The Guildhall Press, Canada owner_at_...
Game Publishers Association (2001 Comm. Dir.)

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