re: Evil Plans to Increase Gloranthan Sales

From: Tim Ellis <tim_at_...>
Date: Sun, 30 Mar 2003 23:35:41 -0000

Not so much an evil plan as a general comment...

The Paper Wars CD-Rom (which is very good) is, in some ways rather empty - OK so there are 600+ images on there, so I'm definitely not complaining about not getting my money's worth, but there is little on there beyond the images themselves to encourage the purchaser to investigate Glorantha - compare this with King of Dragon Pass, which IIRC in addition to the game had some fiction and artwork from the Hero Wars books. I'm not even asking that the material be new* - a couple of excerpts from the UW books and an HTML page with links to the UW and Issaries websites might have acted to draw in the purchaser initially just looking to bulk out a cardboard army.

Maybe Mark and Simon didn't imagine selling any/many copies outside of the Gloranthan community? Still if the project is a success it is something to bear in mind for the next volume. (By the way chaps, the Paper Wars page on the UW website is rather out of date as it still refers to the original plan to do seperate Lunar and Orlanthi disks, and the finished product contains a lot more figures than you are advertising!)

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