Re: New Directions for Glorantha

From: Peter Tracy <bachelornewtling_at_...>
Date: Fri, 18 Apr 2003 10:43:16 +1000

Troll ball is great, is fun. In Australia we never had pigs, but I do recall using Lylow's as tower shields, and a 8' long inflatable Red October Club many years back.

Hey! Tthe perfect setting for a LARP would be at the end of Season "SUPERTROLL". Some years back, a fellow ran "Fear and Loathing at the SuperTroll" as a tabletop game here in Melbourne, part of the "Holiday Glorantha" trio. "Supertroll" screams for a LARP/Freeform translation, there are so many good ideas... especially the Yelmite Biscuit Scandal!

Speaking about "Holiday Glorantha" makes me think that another of the scenarios, "7 Brides for 7 Llama's" would also make a fine LARP. A peace meeting between the tribes or Prax, held at the Paps...

Must Go. Guests soon.

>> Date: Wed, 16 Apr 2003 18:34:55 GMT
>> From: donald_at_...
>"Pete McAveney" writes:
>>During those gaps between girlfriends when I have too much spare time and
>>sanity begins to fray, I've considered writing a computer game myself - or
>>launch another pet project, a Gloranthan LARP. (I'm talking about boffer
>>weapons, fixed game rules, and an open-ended campaign, so it's a little
>>different from the freeforming / episodic games familiar from
>You could always start off with a game of trollball as played at various
>conventions. Easily understood and not that different to LARP, the use
>of pink inflatable pigs as weapons being optional.

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