Re: Playing Trickster--other trickster gods?

From: Antonio Álvarez del Cuvillo <antalvarez1976_at_...>
Date: Fri, 25 Apr 2003 07:18:52 -0000

>if you want magic to directly support that you might need a real
>trickster deity. I think the question still remains as to whether
>there are any benign tricksters in Glorantha.

IMO, tricksters in RW are sometimes benign, sometimes malign. For example, Anansi the Spider or Sisiphus were often a sympathetic figure and they were finally punished.

And in Glorantha, the same thing. Orlanthi people could say that tricksters are terrible, but Orlanth himself needed Eurmal to make the LBQ, so in orlanhi myths Trickster was needed to save the world. Some clans or herobands would have a bonded trickster for good or for bad (or most probably both, like in the LBQ).

My Glorantha Will Vary, but I prefer to use playable characters for my games (for PC's and also for NPCs), so I prefer the approach which make playable characters. Most characters are human beings (or durulz, or aldryami or whatever), not gods. I like to play *bonded* tricksters as human beings touched by Eurmal, not Eurmal himself. Humakt is Death, is terrible, and his worshippers are imperfect people (with personality traits, flaws, etc.) who are trying to be Death. Playing Death is too difficult for me, but playing a human being trying to be Death is OK.



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