Re: Non-Genertelan Glorantha

From: David Dunham <david_at_...>
Date: Fri, 25 Apr 2003 18:02:14 -0700

> 1. What were the corresponding crises to Gbaji in the South and East
> (especially the East)? KoS shows the Devil (or these crises) come
> every 500-600 years. Before Time obviously the God's War was
> worldwide. Similarly, the God Learners seem to be a worldwide
> phenomena and if the EWF is somehow similar to the GL (which seems to
> be the case in terms of breaking Glorantha magic, one via
> science/sorcery and the other with Draconic(mystical?) excesses).

God Learners were definitely lozenge-spanning (though things split off in Kralorela and Pamaltela).

> But how was the First Age Ended everywhere.

There weren't a lot of people in parts of the South. The Aldryami destroyed the Lacerdans of Umathela. I guess the First Age must have ended for the Artmali when Garangordos the Cruel took over Fonrit.

> 2. Do the 600 year events have a unifing theme (the Gods War and
> Second Age end seem to...don't know enough about the Dawn Age)? If
> so, what is the theme for the Hero Wars?

I just ran into some note I took from an old GloranthaCon session, which said that the theme of the Third Age is lack of communications (e.g. the Ban, the Closing, Silence).

> 3. Anything about the Eastern Isles beyond the roughly ten pages in
> Issaries' Glorantha book?

Revealed Mythologies has a bunch about their mythology. Are you referring to Missing Lands?


David Dunham
Glorantha/HW/RQ page: <>
Imagination is more important than knowledge. -- Albert Einstein

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