RE: Re: How do the Orlanthi feel about suicide?

From: bernuetz.oliver_at_...
Date: Wed, 30 Apr 2003 13:54:43 -0400

I'd said:  

>> I guess killing yourself to avoid kinstrife would probably be
>> understood as well, e.g. a daughter is raped by her father and
>> then kills herself instead of trying to kill him or getting
>> him killed. (Sorry about using the "R" word but it was the
>> best example I could think of).

Mick replied:

> i not sure this would work, couldn't others contact her spirit
> after she topped herself to find out why.

Andrew said :

>I'd think this would, most likely, result in her ghost haunting the tula.
>That's a massively bad-juju situation.

I wasn't offering it as a rational solution. It is a profoundly emotional situation after all. Both responses are absolutely correct. However I was just proposing it as a situation where suicide MIGHT be seen as a preferred alternative. Frankly joining Babs Gor and emasculating the bastard would probably be the preferred Orlanthi situation. Just make sure you have a healer handy so he doesn't die. Even then we're talking escalation city probably. But that's those wacky Orlanthi for you.

I definitely think dying for the good of others is the preferred solution for ending your own life among the Orlanthi.


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