Re: Re: Roleplaying a Taraltaran

From: Roderick and Ellen Robertson <rjremr_at_...>
Date: Tue, 13 May 2003 12:04:56 -0700

Taraltarans aren't in ILH, so Jane need not worry that ILH will be obsolete as soon as HQ comes out.

FWIW, in HQ I'd probably make the "Taraltara religion" (or all Martial Arts schools) a Common Magic* of some kind - ie, they go for Talents and "self discovery" over overt theism/animism/sorcery. They can (probably must at a certain level of learning) Concentrate their innate magic, so they can use their Talents as straight skills instead of augment-onlies.

So to make it a keyword (without inventing a new "Martial Arts" keyword format):

Self-Disciplined Martial Artists (include the fluff text from HW/the web).

Entry requirements: None

Abilities: Meditation, Motionlessness**, Sedenyic Philosophy***, Whirling Blades Martial Art

Virtues: Inclusion (must be taken)

Magic: Common Magic (Talents only)
All That You Do Returns in Time****, Cut of the Crescent Moon, Piercing Light of Truth, Reflection of Your Wrath*****, She Twirls Away from Danger, Swooping Arcs of Confusion and Delusion******, Motionless Spinning*******

As far as roleplaying "inclusion", the hero cannot prejudge others on Race, Religion, Species, etc. She *must* try to see the other side's viewpoint, and show the other how their viewpoint is related to hers (That's where Sed. Phil. would come in handy!). And if she can't get them to accept inclusion, she can always kick their ass...


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