Re: Re: Flower Day question...

From: Jane Williams <janewilliams20_at_...>
Date: Wed, 28 May 2003 20:28:37 +0100 (BST)

> Fiddleheads! More generally, they may pick and eat
> many early greens
> (dandelion leaves for example). After all, it has
> been a long winter
> where the only thing resembling a vegetable that
> anyone has seen is
> stale turnips and carrots. So I would think there
> would be any
> number of plants where the early leaves (greens) are
> tender enough to
> be eaten, and at that time of year probably
> reasonably appreciated.

I've recently discovered that on May Day it's traditional to eat Nettle Soup. Made from the young tips of the common stinging nettle, them having just come into season and being very good for you. And (having put on some gloves and picked a lot of nettles), very nice it is, too. I'd suggest adding a bit of mint, if you feel inclined to make the experiment yourselves.

Though I'm not sure I can see these young maidens heading for the nearest nettle patch...?

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