How do you pronounce.....

From: BEThexton <bethexton_at_...>
Date: Wed, 04 Jun 2003 13:33:31 -0000

"Yavor" (as in Yavor Lightning, one of the sub-cults of Orlanth Thunderous in Storm Rebels).

Short 'a' or long? Emphasis on which syllable? My instinct is to say it "YAH-vor", but by similarity to "flavor" or "favor" perhaps it should be said "YAY-vor", and I suppose that "ya-VOR" isn't out of the question either.

(so for the not totally on topic question, but as I biked to work this morning I was mentally working on a character write up where I really wanted to rhyme something with Yavor, but I wasn't quite sure how it was pronounced).


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