A Good End in Badside Part L

From: Oliver D. Bernuetz <bernuetz.oliver_at_...>
Date: Sun, 27 Jul 2003 17:37:12 -0000

I made my way through the streets heading towards the People's Gate which is the easiest way to get into the Rubble and head on to the socalled  Real City. The Real City was the first bit of Pavis built centuries ago by the dwarves and managed to survive more or less intact that whole time. No thanks to the nomads and trolls of course.

When I reached the gate the guards were all set to make me do the usual paperwork. They were quite disappointed when I waved my magic writ of cooperation in their faces. They were going to give me a hard time when they saw that I was alone too but I just waved the write again. They scowled at this but waved me through. Some of King Hargran's thugs offered to guide me but I waved them off too.

I could hear them placing bets with the gate guards as to how far I would make it or what exactly would eat me. One particularily charming looking speciman suggested that I would probably be "tenderized" first by some nice broos. A gate guard called out that he hoped that whatever got me, he wasn't particular as to what did it, would leave enough bits to identify me by. I gave them all some choice street salutes from Glamour and headed on my way.

I was nervous enough just walking through the Rubble without a guard never mind expecting an ambush any second. There were plenty of spots where you could be safely jumped by nearly anything. The piles of rubble were bad enough to hide the bloody Bat for Goddess' sake. The most annoying bit about this whole business was that they must take me for a complete lackwit, I mean really, "Meet me in the Real City, come alone?" Where in the Real City? It's not that small after all. I shook my head, squared my shoulders and kept on going trying to seem nonchalant as befitted a citizen of the greatest empire Glorantha has ever seen.

When the ambush came it was sort of a disappointment. Out from behind some piles of rubble stepped three thugs carrying crossbows. They were all big buggers with bulging muscles and nondescript clothes. "He actually came Pa, what an idjit." Another goon shook his head, "This guy's just as stupid as the other ones, Pa." The third one, not to be outdone in the sparkling repartee department said, "Yep, he sure is stoopid."

To be continued.

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