Re: Duck Sports (dubwey sewious!)

From: Philipp Grawe <philipp_at_...>
Date: Wed, 06 Aug 2003 03:53:17 -0000

I think this needs to be fleshed out because you're onto something. Ball sports. So many cultures have some form of ballsports that clearly ducks should have too.

Imagine duck waterpolo. Leaves humans swimming with a ball for dead.

Imagine a combination of rugby, waterpolo and AFL. The elegance of a rugby player breaking through the line and charging the end zone, combined with spectular dolphin-style leaps through the air to mark the ball AFL style, all played in a swamp. A game of high speed played above and below the water.

Think of sleek ducks shooting along under water, coming up long enogh to tackle the opponent, grab the ball, then duck-dive under again.

Under-water tackles and brawls.

I'm not talking about placid ducks on the pond paddling towards the bread, I'm talking about four foot tall, upright walking, muscular, ducks charging the goal with a last second flick pass TO THE FORWARD WHO SCORES!!!!! <and the crowd goes wild>

It's not a well known game simply because most other species can't see the underwater action. To a human it is simply 10 minutes of insane splashing, followed by a head and an arm popping to throw a ball at the goal. Half the time the crowd sticks their heads underwater, then suddenly all come up cheering for some reason. It simply doesn't make sense if you can't follow what's going on below the water.

There was that time the Newtlings fielded a team, but that just got ugly. Five Durulz sent off before half time for pecking and biting and 6 Newtlings send off for tail slapping. They still talk about a grudge re-match.


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