Re: Surfing Durulz (was Re: BBC does Heortlings v. Lunars)

From: Guy Hoyle <ghoyle1_at_...>
Date: Wed, 17 Sep 2003 18:16:24 -0500

Michael Schwartz wrote:

>>One of the Ducks in "Beak no Evil" did use his "Sword Surfing"
>And months before, at GloranthaCon Toronto, a quack band of Hueymakti proved "Zombi don't surf!" in the down-raising conclusion to "Heart of Duckness"... including a complete victory by one stalwart which allowed him to pull his comrades to safety before surfing unhindered down Magasta's Pool and into legend. Indlas Somer was indeed a Duck!

Man, I am really sorry I bugged out on that one!


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