Re: Afterlife for mixed religions?

From: Peter Metcalfe <metcalph_at_...>
Date: Thu, 16 Oct 2003 16:53:31 +1300


>We had a question come up in my game earlier this week regarding the
>afterlife in mixed religions. My game is set in Carmania, where wizardry
>and theism are both practiced by various members of the Carmanian
>Dualist Church. The question would be similar for some henothiest
>religions, and particularly for the Lunar religion. The question is...
>where do people in a mixed religion go when they die? All the same
>place? If so, then how does this fit into the Otherworlds scheme? If
>not, then how would it be described?

It depends on their religion. Lunars go to the Moon. Carmanians either go to the afterlives of their god or to solace depending on what their orientation was like in life.

>In the Carmanian religion, as I interpret it, when a person dies his
>soul is collected by Idojartos the Psychopomp and escorted to the Sword
>Bridge where the deceased is judged on the merits of his/her moral
>decisions in life. The pure ones rise to commune with Idovanus in the
>Carmanian heaven, and the impure ones fall into the Carmanian hell(s) to
>be tormented by Ganesatarus.

No. Sorcerous Carmanians go to the Black Isle of Introspection where they dissolve into the Carmanian version of Solace. Theistic Carmanians do not go to Sword Bridge (that's an Orlanthi version) but have their own version. I assume they follow the Bat to the Black Mountain from whence Idojartos leads them to their own God's home.

>The same question can be asked about the Red Moon, where pious Lunar
>souls, spirits, etc, go when they die. Is there a "wizardry ghetto" on
>the Moon or do wizardry practitioners and theists mix freely there?

The Moon is a mixed zone. There are sorcerous, godly and spirit places on the moon.

--Peter Metcalfe

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