Re: Re: Ex Krarshti humakti

From: Jane Williams <janewilliams20_at_...>
Date: Thu, 20 Nov 2003 12:37:35 +0000 (GMT)

I was just thinking about them. And the Scorpion Queen Sword of Humakt. Wonderful NPCs: maybe, these days, even possible as PCs. Rare does not mean non-existent.

Now, what on the Lozenge would a cult of Humakt for chaotics be like? I seem to remember that they *did* go in for Honour (in their own rather odd way) though since the Scorpion Queen was ex-Orlanthi this may have been a left-over from her previous life. And she was illuminated, as I recall. Had some sort of rationalisation about her sting not really being poisonous, or something. But the books are not to hand :(

The Broo variant was a god of regimented warfare, as far as I remember. Maybe they're using the Carmanian Humakt?

Jane Williams

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