Re: Yet more non-Orlanthi Humakti

From: David Dunham <david_at_...>
Date: Thu, 20 Nov 2003 18:48:16 -0800


>Just realised, we have Grazer Humakti in Storm Tribe, too. A whole
>sub-cult of them. Grazers are not Orlanthi.

IMG, Hiia Swordsman had virtually no worshippers until the Feathered Horse Queen arose, and then only her personal guard worship him. Since he is worshipped by vendref, who descend from northern and southern Heortlings, he's essentially an Orlanthi god without an Orlanthi pantheon (which ought to suit him just fine).

Grazers might make a token prayer to Hiia if they use a sword, but if he's a deity rather than a great spirit, thenthey wouldn't do much more.

(BTW, you'll see the distinctive armor of Hiia devotees in King of Dragon Pass.)


David Dunham   dunham_at_...
Glorantha/HW/RQ page:
Imagination is more important than knowledge. -- Albert Einstein

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