Re: More winter

From: Julian Lord <jlord_at_...>
Date: Tue, 09 Dec 2003 21:03:47 +0100

Thorrbjorn :

> Frostbite is just nasty. I had a touch of it on the tops of my ears (not uncommon among Canada's youth). The pain when the frostbite set in was bad; kind of a shooting pain that lanced through my ears and down into my face. The worst part though was warming up, when the blood started circulating again. I once had my appendix become inflamed, close to rupturing. Its a toss-up as to which pain was worse.

My mother tells me that when the temp hits -40� - -50� C, you have to take a mirror or a friend, to look for white spots.

The thing to do is to rub snow on the white spot, to prevent it becoming frostbitten, and having it fall off.

Also, at DP levels of low temperature (and in RW), skin adheres to metal, and you're likely to lose that patch of skin in the most painful way, when you rip the metal off so as to avoid losing your limb, perhaps.


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