Re: Esrolian Questions

From: jessedn_at_...
Date: Tue, 16 Dec 2003 14:44:24 -0000

> >Also are there cults to the Year Fathers are they
> >worshipped as gods or as aspects of their parents?
> The Year Kings are worshipped as the Gods themselves.

Are they mostly worshipped by a particular sex? How do they vary in prominence as compared to Imarja or any of the more traditional Earth Pantheon/Orlanthi gods?

Also, is there any background on them (so I can make up affinities) or should I just make stuff up?  

> >Also, how has the heavily urbanized nature of Esrolia changed the
> >nature of the traditional tribal structure?
> The traditional tribal structure was swept away when the women
> seized power. Esrolia now has its own traditions, namely Queendoms.

> --Peter Metcalfe

So then, how does an individual go about becoming a Queen?

Jesse D.

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