Re: Lunar Trickster Deities

From: Kevin P. McDonald <paul_mcdonald_at_...>
Date: Wed, 31 Dec 2003 09:48:09 -0500

Mark Galeotti writes:

>There isn't a Lunar trickster as such, but Rakenveg the Hare is the DH trickster.

Just to expand on this a bit, Hare is also a trickster figure in the ancient Wendaria-descended cultures of western Peloria - Arir, Darsen, Naveria, Pelanda, etc.

Interestingly, Hare is associated with the "Crooked Gods" (possibly a variation of the Storm Pantheon) in the old Wendarian tale describing the first winter. (Entekosaid, p 33)

~Kevin McD

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