
From: Michael O'Brien <mrmob_at_...>
Date: Wed, 07 Jan 2004 12:39:42 +1100


>Buserian (a land-locked god) has such useful feats as "Point Right
>at [Planet]" and "Commune with Celestial Body" - a sea-faring culture
>would probably have the magical equivalent of GPS - or at least "Point
>Right at Nearest Land" and "Commune with Oceanic Current" (not to
>mention possible relationships with mer-folk and intelligent ea creatures).

>I bet that there is at least one, probably multiple, "light houses"
>with their own hero cult (or common magic), which teach "know
>direction to light house."

I was also thinking of the (RQ3) Yelmalio spell, 'Seek Sun Dome', which causes the horizon to glow in the direction of the Nearest SD Temple.

>This humble one pleads your pardon, O Most Magnificant One, but
>wouldn't it also be nice to know about those islands and sandbars and
>reefs and such in our way, such as that one we are about to run int....
Ah, I guess that's one explanation for why the Sun Domers aren't a great maritime power...



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