HeroQuest GM wanted! (for a Con in Boston)

From: Mark Galeotti <mark_at_...>
Date: Sun, 11 Jan 2004 14:18:21 -0000

This was posted earlier today on the RPGnet forum:

Along with my friends, I run a convention - VeriCon - that takes place in Cambridge (Boston, MA) on Jan 30 - Feb 1st, 2004. It's lots of affordably kickassed fun.

So I like HeroQuest, and want to demo it HQ game at the convention. However, I don't feel that *I* personally am experienced enough (as a GM or with HQ) to do it smoothly.

So is anyone interested in GMing a game of HeroQuest at the Con? Reply to the thread to ask about VeriCon itself or other specifics, or PM me if you like.

The thread (which will also allow you to email the poster, 'Locke61dv', is _at_


All the best


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