Re: AA vs KL

From: DreadDomain <dreaddomain_at_...>
Date: Thu, 15 Jan 2004 07:08:15 -0500

> It doesn't work like that. Argan Argar can't displace Kyger Litor any
> more than Issaries displace Orlanth.

I am not talking about AA replacing KL in is godlike representation. She would still be the mother of uz. Ever. I was more talking about a shift of power on a political level, helped by the weakening of KL.

> Given that it's taken the Lunars at least twenty years before they can
> confidently say "Orlanth is Dead", I don't see how a single band is going
> to hurt KL in one HQ. KL is present in Dagori Inkarth but only in that
> section which is part of the Underworld.

Oh, hang on, I wasn't clear enough in my first post. I am asking because if I decide what their are attempting is possible (this is why your input is so important), it would become the main storyline of the whole campaign and would take year as to achieve. If ever.

> The only KL hurting rituals that I can think of is a) the Sun entering
> Hell and b) Nysalor wounding KL.

The only one I know as well and frankly I have no idea yet how I can use them.

> Almost everything is possible but great changes take time and planning.
> More important, methinks, is sussing out your heroes motivations.
> Why are your friends trying to hurt Kyger Litor?
> Why do they hate trolls?
> Are they willing to see KL bite the dust just to see AA take over?

No, the AA plot (and ZZ see other post) would be my doing. As I can understand so far, they see KL as what ismaking an uz... euh well an uz. By hurting (they at least realised trying to kill her is way beyond their reach) her they want to hurt the whole uzdom. Now I have to determine if it is feasible or only idea of grandeur from their part.

> KL has already been hurt by Gbaji and the females are still around.

But wasn't Korasting who was really hurt? Anyway, I guess (hope) the female would still around unless KL would be killed (which will not happen IMG, my players may hate the trolls but I do love them). I was wondering if there was any societal/physical/mental implication for the trolls and the female in particular

> They eat everything.

Business as usual (:-))

>In human affairs, there's the return of the Only Old
> One (in the Holy Country)

Well if you know more, this is something I could use.

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