Re: storytellers deity

From: bethexton_at_...
Date: Mon, 19 Jan 2004 15:49:58 -0000

So, Orlanth no doubt told the first stories, and most men worship Orlanth, so many who like to tell stories would approach some aspect of him. Drogarsi learned all the stories of the Thunder Brothers, and skalds try to do the same, so if you are a storytelling skald, you'll follow Drogarsi. If you are a different sort of storyteller, you might still follow him. Else, if you are more focussed on stories as a way to build and bind community, instead of reflecting glory, you probably belong to Orlanth Allfather. No doubt Durev entertains his family well with stories, and Skovari is about all sorts of entertaining and storytelling.

Then, there is Issaries, the talking god. All sorts of communication are worship of him, story telling not least among them. So if you are a great talker, stories included, maybe you worship Issaries.

LM knows everything, including all the stories. He can be loathe to part with his knowledge, but he does need to teach others the errors of their ways, and stories aren't bad for that.

I'm sure you could make similar connections to other deities as well.

Now, it is entirely likely that there is a hero cult of one or more of the above, dedicated to a storyteller. Remember that there are many hero cults, but only a few are documented in Storm Tribe.

Finally, there are apt to be common magic groups and guilds, some of which may emphasize story telling.

BUT, having said all that, I doubt that Heortlings have much in the way of dedicated story tellers. Their culture is not generally that specialized in the third age. In some of the surrounding lands, which are more urban, you may find professional story tellers I would think.


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