Re: Re: Illuminated Uroxi?

From: Andrew Solovay <asolovay_at_...>
Date: Mon, 19 Jan 2004 11:09:51 -0800

Jane Williams <janewilliams20_at_...> wrote:
> If you want to be Separated from something, there's a
> nice sharp Rune that does that. Talk to your local
> friendly Humakti. Of course, there may be side-effects
> :)

To complicate things... it is arguable that Humakt himself was illuminated, if we assume (as is at least arguable!) that Nysalor is the resurrected Rashoran. (See, e.g., )

Humakt might help guide this character into coping with his illumination--i.e. replacing the instinctive "Ahh! Chaos! Crawlyslimycreepy must kill kill kill!" with a rational, freely-accepted, calm "Chaos is part of the world. So am I. The path before me is to protect my tribe by fighting chaos. Therefore I must kill kill kill." or somesuch.

The trouble is, while that might make him a good Heortling, it wouldn't make him a good *Uroxi*. Uroxi are all about the instinctive reaction yo. To a Uroxi, defending the fight against Chaos on rational grounds is itself suspect--it implies that you think the point is even arguable, and so has to be defended!

I think you'll have a hard time being an enlightened Uroxi. You can still fight and kill Chaos, and even hate it, but it'll get increasingly hard to fake the mindless rage.

Unless, of course, you learn good deceptive magic (like, say, acting magic), which helps you fake emotions to keep the Uroxi from suspecting anything...

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