Re: Gbaji lies!

From: Nils Weinander <nils_at_...>
Date: Tue, 20 Jan 2004 13:19:04 +0100

Peter M:
>>How to reverse this? Delve deeply into Uroxi myth. Understand
>>*why* Chaos is false and wrong and seeks to destroy the universe,
>>which is it's unalterable, essential nature. Chaos can not be made
>>to work for good, because it is *not* good, objectively.
>Objectively this last statement is false because the Lunar Empire
>has been able to make chaos work for good.

Objectively that statement is uncertain, as it is kind of hard to tell whether the lunars have made chaos work for good or managed to do good despite using chaos.

Nils Weinander
We sail on a ship made of dreams

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