Re: Dara Happa/Rinliddi Conflict

From: donald_at_...
Date: Wed, 21 Jan 2004 13:27:57 GMT

>> Internal politics will have an effect - IMG both the Dara Happens and
>> the Rinliddi look down on each other even though they share a lot of
>> the same interests.
>I don't agree.
>The Dara Happans see the Lunar Empire as "bigger Dara Happa"; which makes
>them to the leading group of people once again.
>The people of Rinliddi see the Lunar Empire as a new empire which steps in
>the place where the old bird empire was.
>So the Dara Happans are eager to control the Lunar Empire (because they
>think they are the ruling class), while the people of Rinliddi a) want
>to be part of it and enjoy its developments or b) want to get rid of it
>and declare independence again.

That's the sort of thing I was getting at, both see themselves as the natural rulers of the Empire. Also there is a big cultural difference between the patriarchal family of the Dara Happens and the nest basis of Rinliddi society. However at the same time Vrimak is the Bird of Yelm so there are close ties between the two on a mythlogical level.

Donald Oddy

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