Re: Illuminated Uroxi?

From: Nick Eden <nick_at_...>
Date: Wed, 21 Jan 2004 22:40:46 +0000

On Wed, 21 Jan 2004 10:28:09 +1300, Peter wrote:

>>Peter Metcalfe wrote:
>> >>Now, now. You can do *anything* with a heroquest.
>> >
>> > No, you can't.
>>A statement like this would be more helpful if you continued with an
>>example or two of what a heroquest can't accomplish, in your Glorantha.
>The examples mentioned in Andrew Solovay's post that I was
>responding to are examples of what can't be done with heroquests.
>I would also add Changing History and altering the Cosmic
>--Peter Metcalfe

But, he says, realising that this is Digest-bait, didn't the Seven Mothers do exactly that?

I would be inclined to think that it would be possible to heroquest to remove illumination, but it would be so stonkingly difficult that one would probably fail dismally and might just unravel creation in the process. It would be nigh-impossible.

I rather agree with Graham though, that heroquesting to remove ones own illumination would be impossible because the illuminate would know that it was all just an illusion. It would be fractionally easier, IMG at least, to remove someone else's Illumination. It would still probably take a quest to alter the basic nature of illumination.

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