Re: Cult of Sartar?

From: Charles Corrigan <charles_at_...>
Date: Tue, 03 Feb 2004 11:05:20 -0000

Totally agree that Sartar cannot offer change as his power, that would mean that he usurped Larnaste as the source of change. My view is that there are the following Sartar cults

- Sartar the ancestor - see 1 below.
- Sartar the kingdom guardian/wyter - see 2.
- Sartar the builder - see 3.

1 - There is a clan called the Sartarings for these people (or at least there was before the Lunars got them) and I guess that Sartar was their clan wyter. Members include descendants and adopted descendants (who may have "proved" that they are descendants rather than actually being adopted by another descendant). I suspect that family retainers and advisors could also gain membership of the clan but not as part of the royal bloodline. Also, anyone that devotes to any "aspect" of Sartar may get (honorary) membership in this clan, again not as part of the royal bloodline.

2 - membership of this was via membership of clan, clan membership of tribe, tribe membership of city confederation , city confederation membership of kingdom. Alternatively, tribe could be directly a member of the kingdom (or for complexity, both member of city confederation and of kingdom). So the connection is (was) very remote from most people but still very real.

3 - This may be separated into Sartar the road builder and Sartar the city builder.


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