Re: Last Samurai (3/10)

From: John Hughes <john.hughes_at_...>
Date: Wed, 04 Feb 2004 14:17:34 +1100

Why thank you, you stereotypical Freeench person, you. :)

I actually did a quick google to check le/la and got lots of hits on 'le'. Note to self: USE DICTIONARY. Does this mean everything I read on the Internet isn't necessarily right? **Major** bummer...

There were also a few split infinitives and plain old english mistakes, but of course being a stereotypical Australian I'm not expected to be be 'au fait' with Proper English and How She Is Said.

Being a platypus, you probably understand that already.


>John Hughes wrote:
> > Vive le difference!
>Because I'm french, and therefore rude:
>vive LA différence!
>Moah, platypus powaaa!

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