Mom and vagabond son

From: illuminate33 <inarsus-ferilt-z_at_...>
Date: Fri, 06 Feb 2004 00:18:43 -0000

> One wonders... when the Pharaoh defeated the OOO, how much did he
> affect the underlying power structure? Presumably the Trolls of
the Holy
> Country went on being ruled the same way they always had, by the
> Mothers (perhaps through some new figurehead)--but their direct
control over
> the other peoples was ended. But they'd be working to reverse

Maybe Belintar convinced moms to betray OOO and to face more important matter, in underworld or heroplane.

>Now in what way is this different from the Orlanthi situation?
>blusters, but Ernalda directs...

You don't need to forsake humanity by abandoning Orlanth, Ernalda? Her slogan is "There is always another way", it might mean that "There is always another husband." :)

BTW, I have some scribble about how uz mother and son... Alwoon: "Hey, I do something good for you, mom!"

(Foolish mom and brother made good into bad, as always.)

Bad Mom: Bugger! (beating Alwoon)

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