Hmm, I wouldn't phrase it quite that way but I see your point. I would say Command Follower helps me to convince followers better just like Chop Heads Off makes me fight better (but not necessarily chop heads off). Occassionally you'll get that command result but probably not very often. And if I'm really opposed forget it because then you're trying to command me and that's -40.
I have no problem with augments for skills, they're still mundane abilities after all, it was the 14 resistance for magical skills that was bothering me. Of course that's not such a problem when I finally noticed that -40 modifier for imposing mental commands modifier.
Okay, consider me convinced.
PS I still think its bullying to throw all your magic at people without that advantage but then I've got an overdeveloped sense of fair play. Ask me how many boardgames I've won in the past year while playing with my group of friends. Answer-none. Saddest part is that most of them are my games:-(
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