RE: Re: Dragonewt Plinths

From: Matthew Cole <matthew.cole_at_...>
Date: Tue, 10 Feb 2004 23:13:54 -0000

Andrew and Phillipe

These ideas are excellent! IMO

I've been struggling to get a good narrative for the up-and-coming Thursday session that really nails how I want my players to experience the DNRs (Dragonewt Roads :).

The characters have already seen the road from the outside..... >pauses for reaction<

They have a connection which causes them to be sensitive. I can't really post what because I know at least one of them could read this and I don't want to spoil plot.

What they have seen was described as 'gently undulating'. I'm still having the road(s) use the same route(s) as documented (Dragon Pass boardgame and Snakepipe Hollow maps) and they also pass over each of the standing stone markers that occur every 20 miles (DP:LoT). I had originally imagined something that undulated in the same way as a scent is seen to do when it is depicted in a film or documentary.

Now the Phillipe has pointed out the serpentine, né wyrmish resemblance and the connection with rivers and now that Andrew has observed that it is the world that's crooked (Ed: from the POV of the Dragonewt or other DNR traveller) I can begin to see how I will narrate it.

One thing I'm still having difficulty with is it's reminicence of a rollercoaster. I don't know about anybody else's experiences but I have noticed players tend to try to pigeonhole their roleplaying experiences as 'like this' or 'like that'. Normally I try to be 'unlike' as a general attempt at originality but this time I've got dragonewtstuff which is not supposed to be 'like' at all.

Btw did either of you see my ouroboros dreamcatcher on the Glorantha3D group?

Which part of the dragon is the road? It's lymph system?


-----Original Messages-----

From: Philippe Sigaud
The 'undulating pathway' part is quite good. I thought the road were straight lines, but I much prefer your more, er, serpentine version. Reminds me of the way some rivers are said to be serpents or dragons (the big one in Dara Happa)... Could the roads be part of a Dragon ?

Then, those scaly engravings and slightly moving walls on the plinths may be more alive than you think. And to use the road is to be inside the mighty mind of [insert cool dragon name there], who does not care about space and time. Oh my.

From: Andrew Solovay
Oh, the road is straight. The *world* is crooked.

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