Re: Broos at Moonbroth

From: ALISON PLACE <alison_place_at_...>
Date: Sun, 15 Feb 2004 09:58:19 -0800 (PST)

Stephen Tempest <e-g_at_...> makes some
very good points:                           

"I've just had a look at the original description in
Nomad Gods, and it makes the point that all the Praxian tribes hate and fear broo, but they hate and fear the idea of them allying with a rival tribe even more... so they are sometimes willing to cut deals with them to keep them on *their* side, not their enemies'."

I would expect that they are driven to this extreme only when a large conflict (intertribal, or between very large and powerful clans or clan coalitions) is looming. I wouldn't think that most clan councils would sully themselves by parleying with broo unless the stakes were huge. Neither would they probably have the time to find and persuade broo to come over and help.

"Presumably the broo will be paid with animals taken
from the rival tribes' herds. It's a harsh life out on the Plains - you take what help you can get."

Oh, yes, I'm sure that the broo are working on spec. Given their very poor access to decent quality armour and weapons, allying with nomads for a share in that loot is likely the main objective. Also, some agreement that the broo have to get female herdbeasts in the loot, or be allowed to run off with some, is likely to be one of the standard (and never-admitted) clauses in such negotiations. A nice large feast is probably a looked-for bonus.

"Incidentally, Nomad Gods has a rule that broo allied
to a Praxian clan have a 50% chance of changing sides whenever attacked by a larger force."

Oh, absolutely! Honour? Loyalty? When the nomad
"allies" are fervently hoping that all the broo get
killed in the conflict anyway? Gods, no!

Ian (husband) suggests that the major uses of broo are four:
1. Preliminary guerrilla tactics to soften up the opposition,
2. A diplomatic terror tactic ("Hand over that grazing land, or we'll let loose the broo!"), similar to the use of the Indians in the French/British and British/American conflicts in NA,
3. A way to turn a small majority in much better odds, or,
4. A tidy-up force of pursuers once the enemy is in full retreat. The khan reigns in the braves, while the broo harry the defeated tribe right out into the Wastes, if possible. Lots of chances here for the broo to actually catch women instead of herdbeasts, if it's a tribe-against-tribe battle for territory.

In these ways, the broo are an irregular force that rarely has to be trusted on the field of battle alongside your own troops. When the broo do turn up on the field, it may be explained as just one of those strange coincidences of life (wink, wink). You know, there they are, the perennial scavengers, just lurking for a chance to zip in and profit in the Chaos, I mean melee.

All in all, the nomads are willing to treat the broo are one of those things that, like dirty chamberpots, are disgusting but useful.

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