RE: Resurrection

From: Matthew Cole <matthew.cole_at_...>
Date: Wed, 18 Feb 2004 03:09:14 -0000

Hi Warren

I don't claim to be an expert but the most famous Orlanthi heroquest for resurrection is known as the Lightbringer's Quest {LBQ}. Sorry if you already know about this and need something elvish but, in case that's not it:

I did a quick google and noticed that there is quite a lot of material available, some of it even from Issaries (!:) on . There is also a more complete version here: (I didn't read it all but I think it has the right ideas).

Orlanth used this quest to bring back the Emperor, Yelm the Sun, whom he had killed previously (Storm Tribe {ST} p6). Now Elmal (keeping to HeroWars publications for definition), the heortling Warrior God of the Sun (ST p45), originated in the Fire Tribe with Yelm but he left the fire tribe when Chalana Arroy healed his blindness that was caused by his own light. Elmal later joined the Storm Tribe and was left behind to keep the world together during the long dark so that Orlanth could re-create it at the dawn. I'm getting to the bit you could use... (from ST p 47) "When Orlanth returned from the Underworld, he bore a sacred torch. He cast it high into the sky so that it flew to wher Elmal waited. Elmal caught it and was healed so that he burned brightly again to welcome the return of Orlanth...".

Another part of the Elmal mythology that would interest is the part in the Otherworld Home and Life After Death section. It's the last sentence: "They always muster to defend the Storm Realm against invaders, however."

Something else. Remember the Chalana Arroy could resurrect using Divine Magic? Well, p44 ST describes the Chalana Arroy secret, a ritual called Resurrect Other that requires a quest to the underworld to bring back the soul of the dearly departed. This is a part of the aforementioned LBQ. The Lightbringers' Quest has quite a number of references in the Storm Tribe Index but please do ask here for more insight if you require it! I'm sure there will be many who will be pleased to help.

Hope this helps.


-----Original Message-----
From: wbcreighton [mailto:wbcreighton_at_...] Sent: 17 February 2004 17:05
Subject: Resurrection

I was wondering about the roleplaying opportunities of resurrecting a member of an adventuring party that has met his untimely demise. The group is seeking the aid of the Aldryami in bringing back this follower of Elmal. In Storm Tribe it describes ressurection as a dangerous heroquest.

Any ideas of where the heroquesters would be going? Would the soul/spirit of the deceased be helping or hindering the attempt? Would the deceased get to play an active part in the quest?


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