Re: Dismembered gods (was Re: Belintar & Nysalor)

From: Peter Larsen <plarsen_at_...>
Date: Thu, 19 Feb 2004 07:09:12 -0500

At 02:04 AM 2/19/2004 +0000, jeffrichard68 wrote:
>It seems that dismembered gods and dismembered "things" are a
>running theme in the Hero Wars.

         Glorantha is, after all, a patchwork world -- it was broken up and put back together a number of times, with more parts missing each time. Is it any wonder that the microcosm reflects the macrocosm (as the Wizard might say)? Maybe each time you "reconstruct" something, you are bringing Glorantha closer to wholeness. Now, if we could just find those lost pieces....

Peter Larsen

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