Heortling Mythic Themes

From: John Hughes <nysalor_at_...>
Date: Sun, 22 Feb 2004 09:44:53 +1100

My last post on this was wordy and abstract and almost Digesty. The follow up is a simple list, first written as an aid to narrators.

YGMV. :) The Great Themes of Sartarite Myth

  1. Violence is always an option.
  2. There is always another way.
  3. Both wisdom and strength are essential for victory.
  4. You must be generous - give more than you have.
  5. You must endure to the end, and then beyond: never give up or turn back.
  6. You must take responsibility for all your actions, and for all that you do for good or ill. This is how Orlanth became King.
  7. You must trust to your brothers, then to your kin, then to your spouse, then to your kayling and heroband companions - no one can face the world alone.
  8. A leader must care for all who follow.
  9. Friendship will be repaid. Everyone can be friends at least temporarily - you must find the things you share in common. If you fight nobly and for a just cause, even an enemy may help you.
  10. You must understand that the world changes, and that nothing lasts forever.
  11. Any action is better than no action.
  12. Once begun, the cycle of vengeance builds until it utterly destroys both sides. Break the cycle, and your name will live forever.
  13. If one person takes too much of the glory, or the burden, then everyone suffers.
  14. There are six of power, and a then seventh of greater power, which is hidden.
  15. The price of herodom is heavy. You must be prepared to leave everything, up to and including your very humanity, behind. 'The only child of a hero is his name'.
  16. Look to Orlanth for the answer. Always.
  17. Thanes have their blue-black swords of iron, but even a barefoot stickpicker can change the world.

And The Dark Side...

  1. Treachery comes from those you who are closest. Be watchful. There is no greater curse than the curse of kin.
  2. Jealousy comes with a crown.
  3. An evil word sheds blood.

4, Cowardice breaks the shieldwall.

5. When everyone is equal, no fool stands alone.

6. A man's name rests on the worst of his brothers.

Additions and suggestions most welcome.



nysalor_at_...                              John Hughes
Questlines: http://home.iprimus.com.au/pipnjim/questlines/

The cloaked one's hero heat shakes wide the city wall. With feat and spear and magic bolt the final rite begins. War-band's white bull, a dragon in strife, Feeds he most fulsome the dogs of the Death-Lord.

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