Re: re: No common magic feats for Heortlings [was: Heortling Collectives for Common Magic]

From: Darran <darransims_at_...>
Date: Mon, 23 Feb 2004 01:18:46 -0000

Greetings and Salutations

Peter Larsen wrote:
> Which brings me to another point -- how restrictive is that "only
> magic from your god" clause for the devotee? I can see giving up feats,
> powers, common magic, and so on, but they get various boosts from being
> part of the communal worship of a pantheon --

Another thing is can they use those magical McGuffins that they can piuck up during play? What about those cool magical abilities, items and 'ambiguous' references that they get during Chargen, those creative things that are in the 100 word narratives that soo make the character? Are they sacrosanct? [my view is yes].
Even the natural magic abilities covered in the FAQ?

'The Ram Warrior and devotee of Uroth, tough and sinewy, yet tender and loving, Calcar's handsome features, rugged frame and surly demeanour belie his wit and charm. Calcar is the inheritor of the Sleek Sheep Robe and Elucia staff, the legacy of his Grandfather, his wise whispering ancestor. Calcar, rode 'Ramhorn' loyal Urothtrorol to the Cloud Palace and rescued the Cloud Sheep Chief's daughter from the Shadow Wolf, blasting him with his Icy Breath and Truesilver Spear. His reward was the hand of Gulena the Blue Woman, fairest of the tribe, the respect of both clans and the Shadow Wolf Fang Necklace.'

So can Calcar use his:
Sleek Sheep Robe?
Elucia Staff?
Icy Breath?
Truesilver Spear?
Shadow Wolf Fang Necklace?
even though he is a dovotee or Uroth, an aspect of Heler?



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