Re: Re: Killing the Bat

From: Oliver Bernuetz <bernuetz_at_...>
Date: Tue, 2 Mar 2004 21:46:02 -0600

Jeff said:
><bernuetz_at_m...> wrote:
>> Afraid not. I haven't linked to any HeroQuest-RPG stuff because
>only members can access them. (Not that I'd seen it before though).
>Quite funny.
>> Oliver
>Yeah, sorry about that. I can probably reset that but we were getting
>spam bots posting porn and virus files there for awhile.

A wise precaution I'd say. Of course I should have remembered the open archive at the website!

So without further ado I present a Mything Links update:

Added How We Almost Stopped the Bat, Or...The Crimson Tick by John Hughes.

(Does that mean I have to check the archive for stories now? Sigh, guess I'd better).


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