Re: Duck-Point (and much mystical speculation)

From: bethexton_at_...
Date: Wed, 03 Mar 2004 20:15:35 -0000

In the later years of Sartar it is possible, even probable that those humans involved in River trade may have set up in Duck Point, but I think that they weren't particularly Sartari....weird in a royal city, but there you go. There wasn't official tribal sections or representatives, so everyone living there was officially there on their own, and not many Sartari would do that (at least by choice). Some ducks may have moved in, certainly they would have visited. I'm not sure who would have made/imposed law and order in town, but it could have been hired Durulz-death lords :)

And yes, the city was probably sited near Durulz settlements originally, but hopefully not *ON* them. Since the Ducks didn't agree to the city, having it displace any of their towns sounds harsh!

--Bryan (also chatty today!)

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