Re: Re: Duck-Point

From: Mikko Rintasaari <mikrin_at_...>
Date: Thu, 04 Mar 2004 22:47:27 +0200 (EET)

:Jane Squaaks

:(sigh) That *was* Duck Point, back when my PCs visited
:it in 1597. A thriving, wonderful little city, full of
:life and colour. In five years time, those Lunar
:b****ds will burn it to the ground. And then, yes,
:it'll be an almost uninhabited shell, I expect.

Indeed. At least somebody reads the sources in a way I can understand.

See? An always empty Duck Point is a terrible waste. Nice work Jane.

Propably you are right in that most ducks will rather live outside the walls, day to day, though I think some will find the inside quite cozy (and safe!). But Dragonpass is a dangerous place and having a huge fort of their very own is nothing to sneer at.

So, good fun with the ducks, eh?


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