Re: Re: Imperial Government Organization

From: Peter Metcalfe <metcalph_at_...>
Date: Sun, 14 Mar 2004 22:45:27 +1300


> >One can always swear loyalty to the local noble and become part of
> >the empire. Territorial acquisitions do not have to be cleared with
> >head office first.

>Although I would suspect that for political reasons, it could be
>*advisable* to do so.

>If you don't carry out the political groundwork in Glamour beforehand,
>then Moonson (or his advisors) might decide you're conducting a
>power-grab for your own personal benefit, not that of the Empire.
>Maybe you're even trying to strengthen your hand for a future
>rebellion, or an attempt to usurp the Footstool of Yelm?

Whose suspicions can always be averted by the time honored method of bribery.

>Plus, if things go wrong during the expansion, you may need to call on
>the Imperial Army for help. It would look bad if the regional
>commander refused to send troops, because s/he didn't agree with the
>acquisition, wasn't consulted, and is sticking to the letter of the
>law that the Imperial border is where it always used to be...

The Imperial Commander would be much more leap at the chance of plunder (bang goes your hearts and minds strategy) and insert his underlings in power over the new territory.

--Peter Metcalfe

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