Re: Distances in Glorantha

From: jorganos <joe_at_...>
Date: Wed, 31 Mar 2004 11:10:34 -0000

Graham Robinson <graham_at_a...> wrote:

> Don't know about the DP map, but the general problem is
> inconsistency. For instance, the ILH states that "a good
> rider can cover 350 miles in a day...

Assuming 14 hours of daylight to ride in, that's 25 mph - full gallop! - or a new horse at least every two hours, pony-express-like.

> A rider can reach Glamour from Mirin's Cross in three days."

A rider on a single horse? 14 hours a day at 8.5 mph average would be extremely hard on the horse, but just possibly survivable.

> So a distance of about a thousand miles. However the map on
> page 8 shows that Mirin's Cross is about 300 miles from Glamour
> - a comfortable days ride.

I don't know your definition of comfortable, but to me this distance sounds like 4 to 6 days of exhaustive bicycle ride (loaded with "armor" (civilisatory nonsense), camping equipment and food, on good roads in no more than hilly terrain, gentle winds only), and most likely ditto for horse riding.

That said, for purposes of computer-generated maps an official set of coordinates for Glorantha would be nice to have.

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