Hellboy review

From: Oliver D. Bernuetz <bernuetz_at_...>
Date: Mon, 05 Apr 2004 17:49:15 -0000

Hi there,

I saw the movie on the weekend. I've never read one of the comics so I can't judge it based on that but I'll take a shot at reviewing it as a combined superhero/fantasy/horror story.

It was quite a good movie, the plot hung together nicely, the action was nice and cinematic, the characters were all nicely developed and the movie had some very nice Lovecraftian elements. Best eldritch horrors I've ever seen. The character's an interesting one and sympathetic (makes you all the more aware of what a whiner Spiderman is. Sure it's touch being a superhero but at least he's not bright red with horns, a tail and a stone hand. He can at least pass for normal).

The bad guys are BAD, BAD, BAD but you still get a sense that they think they're going to come out ahead in the end.

The story did a nice job portraying how hard it is to be normal when you have superhuman powers. Nice touches of black and not so black humour too.

A good example of a threat against the world and its defeat. I recommend it.


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