Re: River Slopes (was: Hiking Rates)

From: jeffrichard68 <richj_at_...>
Date: Thu, 08 Apr 2004 17:17:55 -0000

Joerg -

Without taking any position on whether the horizontal distances in Glorantha are too short, I've got a few quibbles with you about the vertical distances.

My own map of west Sartar, uncanonical as it is, has Clearwine at about 2000 feet above sea level and the Upland Marsh at about 1250 feet above sea level - not the 3000-4500 foot elevation that you have it. For what it is worth, I think the Pharoah's Marsh is maybe some 500-750 feet above sea level.

>Following the old bed of the Creek-Stream River, I found this to be
>on a distance of about 30-40 miles.
> In other words: the land rises about 10 metres for every mile you
> travel on the river.

Or in my case about 5 or 6 metres for every mile.

> These distances _are_ extremely short. The Oslir has maybe 500
> to descend from Furthest to the Thunder Delta, which gives it an
> average slope of 2 metres per mile - ten times that of the Rhine at
> Bacharach. You could probably surf down the Creekstream River...

I think Furthest is maybe only about 1000 feet above sea level (maybe less), which gives it an average slope of 1 foot per mile.


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