Tada's Grisley Portions

From: kmnellist_at_...
Date: Fri, 23 Apr 2004 01:38:23 EDT

My players have a grisley portion (who doesn't?) that they think might once have belonged to Tada. I was thinking I could make up a quest from the Sleeping City Hills to awaken Tada's Warriors for them to go on*. They key to it working would depend on whether it really was a Tada portion, whether they knew the right rite's (they are not Waha Shamans), and whether they could overcome the other challenges presented.

I am not sure what other challenges to present. Does anyone have any ideas about challenges to overcome, stuff that might be needed for the rituals, and what sort of force of Tada Warriors might be recieved. I am not even sure whether this should be a Practice Quest in the mundane world waking these warriors up, or a Quest to the otherside to wake them, or a ritual to summon them so advice on that would be helpful.

I realise that I am being lazy, but if there is some neat Tada Warrior Wakeing Quest out there I wol dbe interested in it.

*perhaps I should get them to make it up?


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