Re: Re: Women in the clan

From: Jennifer Geard <geard_at_...>
Date: Thu, 29 Apr 2004 22:03:38 +1200

Hi All,

Thanks for the responses about women and marriage. I wish I had more time to engage and write responses. The ideas are fizzing away, although I'm currently distracted by lines for a piece of girl-talk about which of the local clans you'd want to marry into. ("The Barlings do have the best midwives...", "That's because they need them. Have you seen the size of their men? Sora's baby was huge, and she's not exactly big to start with. It's like putting a Fronan over a Galana." <thoughtful pause> "They say Felara from Redwing make a deal with the Uz, and women who labour in the Redwing tula can send their labour pains to the father." <longer thoughtful pause> "I always wondered why the Redwings spaced their children so far apart.")

I'm sure there will be later questions, but I'm feeling more positive about the options. The key point is that I'll have a better chance of understanding the bloodline if I sketch out the various clans in the tribe, and not just the clan itself.

Now to work out how to get the Digest in non-digest form, so I can interact with it...


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