Suggestion for light_castle

From: mcaveney_at_...
Date: Wed, 5 May 2004 18:41:20 GMT

I'd actually reccomend a Lunar campaign.

Players new to Glorantha always struggle with the learning curve - seems you have to digest books of information just to pick a character concept. You, the narrator, can dedicate some time to prepare and educate yourself up front, but it's much more difficult to prepare the players. They usually just want to show up and start adventuring :)

For that reason I'd avoid playing a barbarian group. The Lunar viewpoint is much closer to a modern state of mind, though. IMHO most players will act correctly like a Lunar by default without even realizing what they are doing. You could lose yourself in detail writing a Lunar's character history, but you don't HAVE to know much at all. Establish the general character type and worry about the details later. The players can fill in their character histories down the road.

Meantime they'll be correctly roleplaying a Lunar newbie arriving in the provinces for the first time. They will learn about Glorantha through the local culture in-game, together, as it tries to kill them.

I like Unspoken Word #2. It's an urban campaign set in Furthest. It's oriented towards roguish characters but can be adapted. Unspoken Word #1 describes the surrounding country. Technically it's in Dragon Pass but not the hyperdetailed part.

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