Re: Greetings and Felicitations

From: jeffrichard68 <richj_at_...>
Date: Thu, 06 May 2004 16:39:04 -0000

> > With bits and smatterings of utopian Bolshevism (to make Nick
> Thanks for mentioning it: I'm happy now!

Hey - I remember these things! I may never make it to your southern suburb (I will one day, I promise), but I do remember such things. Seriously, what I find interesting about the Lunar world-view is that it is utopian, revolutionary, messianic and apocalyptic. And is the state religion of the most powerful empire in Genertela - yet subscribed to and understood by only a minority of the population. This makes a lot of interesting role-playing.

> (Is the Six Arms Tavern still in business, Jeff? That's got to be
> best Soviet-Hindu kitsch I've ever encountered).

Yep. Although it is not the same without you and Chris Gidlow drunkenly howling songs at the top of your lungs!


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