Re: Re: Greetings and Felicitations

From: Light Castle <light_castle_at_...>
Date: Fri, 07 May 2004 16:35:06 -0400

Absolutely right about the Quebec region.

Hell, the only reason Quebec city was colonized before Montreal was because it is easier to control the river with cannon from there.

And Montreal WAS a settlement off and on for thousands of years, and a natural place for a fixed settlement as the technology evolved. Hochelaga was there when Cartier first showed, gone by the time Champlain tried to make a port here.


On 7 May 2004 at 15:36, bethexton_at_... wrote:

> Good harbors. If you are starting a new settlement, you want the
> most favorable conditions possible, so given a long coast line, why
> not choose a the best combination you can find of a good harbor and
> arable land? After all, all of the early colonies were eager to see
> more transatlantic ships landing. So most of them ended up being at
> river mouths. (the exceptions being in Quebec, where the colonies
> were at the usual natural points on a river for cities to form--in
> the old world in particular Montreal would have been a city back into
> pre-history)
> --Bryan

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