Re: Re: Last Refuge of Scoundrels

From: Peter Metcalfe <metcalph_at_...>
Date: Fri, 14 May 2004 10:34:17 +1200

At 01:27 PM 5/13/04 +0000, you wrote:

>Essentially a prince of Loksalm and companions managed to kill
>a "god" (why a god in sorcerous Loksalm? Not sure)

The conspiracy was a Fronelan one, not just Loskalm. Many of the Conspirators and the God came from outside Loskalm. Where the God was killed is apparently a Secret.

>at about the end
>of the second age (this was the end of the second age in Fronela,
>just like the closing and the DragonKill ended it elsewhere).

The Syndic's Ban happened some four hundred years later (1500 ST).

>When the syndics ban dropped from one region that had been
>unremarkable prior to the syndics ban, what it revealed was the
>Kingdom of War.

The region was not unremarkable, it literally did not exist prior to the Ban (much to the confusion of Loskalmi geographers).

>It is of course tempting to think of the Kingdom of War as the karmic
>balance to Loksalm, that as Loksalm made itself ever more virtuous,
>its cast off sins somehow came to rest in the Kingdom of War. But
>surely that can't be....

It's what Greg thinks. One might temper this with blame from other countries (i.e. Riverjoin's responsibility is mentioned in Tales #20) but Loskalm bears much of the blame.

--Peter Metcalfe

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