Re: Karse and Refuge

From: GypsyComet_at_...
Date: Fri, 14 May 2004 21:17:59 EDT

Nick writes:

>Midkemia had a hand in the "Thieves' World" box, too (encounter
>tables, IIRC), and in the Chaosium book "Cities" (subsequently
>reprinted by Avalon Hill as "RuneQuest Cities").

Midkemia Press *wrote* the Cities book top to bottom. The sheer genius of that book is what got them into the Thieves World project, as they were far and away the best game city designers of the day. The Midkemia Press edition of Cities predates Carse by about a year. Most of the Midkemia line had two editions before they stopped publication. Chaosium picked up some/all of the line, generified it a bit, and released at least three books (Carse, Tulan of the Isles, and Cities) for RQ.

Cities is a book that should never be out of print, as far as I'm concerned. If there is a way to bring it to the current D&D crowd's attention without slapping that silly D20 logo on it, it needs to be done. Kids these days have no clue what they're missing...

GC (not old enough to be this crochety...)

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